
Friday, May 10, 2019

9 facts about pigs

Hello friends and fellow animal lovers! I was doing some research about pigs a few days ago, and I found out a TON of interesting things! I thought it could be cool if I put a compilation together for you to see! I hope you enjoy!

  • Pigs learn their names by the time they are 2-3 weeks old
  • Pigs communicate using over 20 unique vocalizations
  • Pigs have a cognitive ability similar to a three-year-old child
  • Pigs have no sweat glands which mean they have no odor
  • Pigs are clean animals
  • Pigs are very peaceful animals and they rarely show aggression unless they are forced to protect their babies
  • Pigs form extremely strong bonds with other individuals and are social animals
  • Pigs enjoy listening to music
  • Pigs are emotional and sensitive animals that feel both pain and love

The Compassionate Dreamer