
Monday, September 9, 2019

It Takes 2,400 Gallons of Water to Produce ONE Pound of Beef

Water is a precious resource, and we are running out of it. If people don't start reducing how much water they use, and soon, the world will only have 60% of the water that in needs in 2030. By the year 2050, it is predicted that nearly 52% of the world's projected population will be living in water-stressed regions. Over 2 billion people living on this planet today lack safe drinking water, and that number will only grow.

Did you know that you can save more water by skipping eating just one pound of meat, than you would by not showering for six whole months? You can! The despicable industry of animal agriculture uses up about 1/3 of the entire world's drinking water. You may be thinking: How is this possible? That makes absolutely no sense! But if you think about it, it really does. The animals that we breed and raise for slaughter need water to drink, as well as food, which needs water to grow, not to mention all of the water they use for hygiene purposes. By not supporting meat and dairy industries you are not only saving the animals (which is a great kindness itself), but you are helping to save water.

When people think of reducing how much water they use, most people think of the little things, like taking shorter showers, not watering their lawns, and fixing leaky taps, but those things are not going to save us. By one single person going vegan, you will be saving approximately 219,000 gallons of water per year! That is a BIG deal! One person, truly does make a difference, and it is up to you as an individual to decide whether you want to do your part in saving our planet, or if you want to push it off as a problem for future generations. You have an incredible opportunity to SAVE THE PLANET, and if you don't act now, it will be too late.

People on our planet have a history of not realizing the severity of a situation until it directly impacts them, and by the time that happens, there will be nothing they can do to stop it. But if we act now, we WILL have time to do something about it. If we get the word out, and make the simple, small, little changes in our everyday lives, we will be changing the world for the better. I know you can do it, and somewhere inside yourself you do, too. Listen to the voice in the back of your mind that is cheering you on, and make the right decision. Save the planet. Go vegan. The time is now...


The Compassionate Dreamer

*Take The Vegan Pledge*

Suggested Links:

Water Sustainability and Animal Agriculture

Shocking Projections About the Future of Water
Meat and the Environment
Veganuary Save Water
Will People in the Future Have Water?
Mercy For Animals

Citation for image:

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