
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Happy Birthday to My Cat, Hiro!

Hello friends and fellow animal lovers! Today is my cat's birthday! My family has three cats, and today's is the birthday of our oldest who is turning 13! His name is Hiro Nakamura (named after the main character from the TV show "Heroes") and he is the friendliest cat you will ever meet.

He was found in the woods of West Virginia with his two brothers when he was just a kitten. At the time, my mom was volunteering at the shelter he was taken to and she fell in love with him and just had to give him a home!

About two years ago he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was predicted to live for the next six months only. Not only is he living long past those six months, but he is as happy as he has ever been! 

He has a strong bond with my youngest cat, Katnip Everdeen. I take pride in my Hunger Games name puns! My others are Gale Pawthorne, Peeta Meowlark, Haymitch Catternathy, and Caesar Whiskerman, but that's getting a bit off topic! Apologies! Katnip is completely obsessed with Hiro. She is always following him around, meticulously grooming him and often climbing on top of him! He definitely gets annoyed sometimes, but he is very patient with her.


Happy birthday, Hiro! We love you!

The Compassionate Dreamer

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